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Keyword Search over Relational Data
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Keyword Search over Relational Data" by Mr. Alexander Markowetz Abstract: Ever more complex scenarios employ data streams, monitoring e.g., environmental parameters or interactions of online users. These applications commonly also include relational tables, e.g., to store user profiles. In this paper, we propose keyword search over relational data streams (S-KWS) as an effective way to query such heterogeneous environments, consisting of both, tables and streams. Compared to structured query methods, S-KWS has several benefits. First, it allows searching for combinations of terms without knowing in which data sources they appear. Second, it hides the schema from users and allows it to change over time, without requiring queries to be re-written. Third, keyword queries are easy to express. Finally, many query tasks only become feasible through S-KWS. Our contributions are summarized as follows. (i) We provide formal semantics, addressing the temporal validity and order of results, spanning uniformly over tables and streams. (ii) We introduce two general methodologies for query processing: graph based (GB) and operator based (OB). The first generates results by traversing a data graph; the second by executing operator trees. (iii) We present a range of optimizations for both approaches. For GB, we speed up graph traversals, using keyword labels. For OB, we integrate operator trees into a single mesh, sharing common expressions. Join operations are further reduced, using demand driven operator execution. The operator mesh dynamically adapts to changes in the schema and input characteristics. Two strategies for purging outdated tuples target either CPU or memory. Extensive experiments demonstrate the practicability of S-KWS as well as the tremendous benefits of the proposed optimizations. Date: Thursday, 17 April 2008 Time: 3:30p.m.-5:30p.m. Venue: Room 3405 lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Prof. Dimitris Papadias (Supervisor) Prof. Mounir Hamdi (Chairperson) Dr. Lei Chen Prof. Nikos Mamoulis (HKU) **** ALL are Welcome ****