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Keyword Search over Graph Data -- A survey
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Keyword Search over Graph Data -- A survey" Mr. Rui LI Abstract: Keyword search has been proven to be a simple and useful approach to find documents in the internet through search engines. In recent years, this keyword search functionality has been extended to find structural result in the databases, such as relational and XML databases. In fact, the keyword search over structured data can be modeled as a search over graph data if graphs are used to represent structured data. In this survey, we will focus on the problem of finding the structural connected results in graph model for a query containing user specified keywords. The research challenges and existing solutions will be presented and compared. Other than the general graph model, we will also present the specific techniques for answering keyword search queries in relational and XML databases. Through this survey, we would like to find the common features of keyword search over graph data in order to study improvement and extensions over existing solutions. Date: Wednesday, 20 February 2008 Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Venue: Room 3405 lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Lei Chen (Supervisor) Prof. Frederick Lochovsky (Chairperson) Dr. Wilfred Ng Dr. Ke Yi **** ALL are Welcome ****