PhD Thesis Proposal Defence



Miss Xiangye Xiao


Co-location pattern discovery is to find classes of spatial objects that 
are frequently located together. For example, if two categories of 
businesses often locate together, they might be identified as a 
co-location pattern; if several biologic species frequently live in nearby 
places, they might be a co-location pattern. There are a lot of spatial 
data in real world, from which we can find co-location patterns, such as 
GPS logs, yellow pages, and map search logs. Co-location patterns have 
many useful applications. For example, the co-located query patterns, 
which are subsets of queries often searched for close target locations, 
can be used in location sensitive query suggestion, Point of interest 
recommendation, and local advertising.

With the purpose of mining co-location patterns in real data, we find 
existing approaches have two problems. First, they only find global 
co-location patterns. The regional co-location patterns they miss are also 
interesting and potentially useful. Second, they are not scalable to large 
data sets due to huge number of candidates and expensive instance 

In order address these problems, we propose three co-location pattern 
discovery approaches. First, we propose a lattice based co-location 
pattern discovery approach (LatticeCLPMiner). This approach can find both 
regional and global co-location patterns, distinguish regional patterns 
from global co-location ones, and find the applicable areas of regional 
patterns. Second, we propose a density based approach (DenseCLPMiner) to 
speedup co-location pattern mining. DenseCLPMiner utilizes the non-uniform 
distribution of spatial objects. It processes the dense areas first to 
generate instances of candidates, maintains the upper bounds of the 
prevalence of candidates using the generated instances in already 
processed partitions, and prune the candidates in the event that their 
prevalence upper bounds fall below a threshold. As a result, the overall 
cost of instance generation is reduced. Third, we propose a bitmap based 
candidate pruning technique (BitmapPruner) that speedups co-location 
pattern mining. We provide an approximate prevalence measurement and 
define approximate co-location patterns. We propose a bitmap structure to 
quickly discover approximate patterns. If a candidate is not an 
approximate pattern, we prune it immediately without entering the costly 
instance generation step. Due to the lightweighted and effective pruning 
technique, we improve the efficiency of existing co-location pattern 
discovery approaches.

Date:     		Friday, 17 April 2009

Time:                   10:30a.m.-12:30p.m.

Venue:                  Room 4480
 			lifts 25-26

Committee Members:      Dr. Qiong Luo (Supervisor)
 			Dr. Wei-Ying Ma (Supervisor, Microsoft Research)
 			Prof. Dik-Lun Lee (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Frederick Lochovsky
 			Dr. Wilfred Ng
 			Dr. Xing Xie (Microsoft Research)

**** ALL are Welcome ****