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Efficient Techniques for Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Efficient Techniques for Design Space Exploration and Optimization of Distributed Real-Time Embedded Systems" By Mr. Xiuqiang He Abstract The complexity of Real-time embedded systems has been increasingly dramatically, especially for highly distributed real-time embedded systems in automotive or avionics systems. Today's cars have increasingly sophisticated in-vehicle electronic control systems with multiple ECUs (Electronic Controller Units) inter-connected via multiple networking protocols, including FlexRay, CAN and TTP. Development of such real-time distributed systems is very challenging due to complex and heterogeneous HW platforms, increasing application complexity, and increasing concurrency in both application and HW platform. Design Space Exploration (DSE) is the process of searching through the vast design space to find a solution that satisfies certain design constraints and/or optimizes certain design objectives. DSE has been advocated as an effective approach to dealing with the design problem of such complex embedded systems. The DSE problem generally considers two orthogonal issues: 1. how can a single design point be evaluated, 2. how can the design space be covered during the exploration process? The search problem is typically a NP-hard problem, and exhaustive exploration of the design space is usually prohibitive due to the sheer size of the design space. In this thesis, we target on TTP-based distributed real-time embedded systems and present efficient techniques for design space exploration and optimization of these systems, including exact solution techniques (e.g., model-checking, SAT, SMT), stochastic techniques (e.g., simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms), and hierarchical integration of several search techniques (e.g., LBBD-based optimization framework). Due to the similarity between TTP and FlexRay (de-facto standard protocol for in-vehicle communication), the proposed techniques can potentially applied to the optimization of FlexRay-based distributed systems (i.e., static segment of FlexRay protocol). Worst-Case Response Time (WCRT) analysis is a widely-used schedulability analysis technique for fixed-priority scheduling and other scheduling algorithms such as Earliest Deadline First (EDF), which is often used as techniques for evaluating a single design point regarding to real-time properties. The transaction-based task model is an effective modeling approach especially useful for schedulability analysis in distributed real-time systems. We present effective techniques for improving the computation efficiency for exact and tractable WCRT analysis for transaction-based task model, where both FPS and EDF are considered as the processor scheduling strategies. Extensive experiments prove the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed algorithms. Date: Tuesday, 25 May 2010 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Venue: Room 3311 Lifts 17/18 Chairman: Prof. Guanghao Chen (CIVL) Committee Members: Prof. Jogesh Muppala (Supervisor) Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung Prof. Frederick Lochovsky Prof. Charles Zhang Prof. Chi-Ying Tsui (ECE) Prof. Albert Cheng (Comp. Sci., Univ. of Houston) **** ALL are Welcome ****