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Transfer Learning in Recommendations with Matrix Factorization Models
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Transfer Learning in Recommendations with Matrix Factorization Models" by Mr. Bin CAO ABSTRACT: Machine learning problems on the Web usually are not traditional supervised learning problems. User Adaptation (i.e. personalization) and Domain Adaptation are two common problems on the Web. For example, for a recommender system like Amazon, it may need to provide personalized movie recommendations for a user based his feedback from multiple domains including books and clothing. For a search engine like Google, it may need to serve personalized ads based on users' browsing history. The quality of recommendations is one of the key factors to the revenue for these service providers. Therefore, it is critical to provide high quality recommendations. However, this is challenging due the limited information provided by the user. In this proposal, we consider the problem of using transfer learning to improve recommendations. More specifically, we ask three questions. Firstly, how to transfer knowledge across users or items? Secondly, how to transfer knowledge across user groups or item domains? Thirdly, what models could be used to solve the problems? To answer these questions, we propose a matrix factorization based collaborative and transfer learning framework for solving the problems. We discuss specific matrix factorization models that could handle user adaptation and domain adaptation separately. Furthermore, we propose a unified model that could handle them at the same time. Date: Friday, 29 April 2011 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 3501 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Qiang Yang (Supervisor) Prof. Nevin Zhang (Chairperson) Dr. James Kwok Dr. Raymond Wong **** ALL are Welcome ****