Using mobile crowdsourcing data to retrieve the location-aware information

PhD Thesis Proposal Defence

Title: "Using mobile crowdsourcing data to retrieve the location-aware


Mr. Xiaonan GUO


Location-based services (LBS) can benefit from location information and indoor 
maps Recent research focuses on how to use sensor reading from smart phone to 
automatically reconstruct the walking pathway and floor plan. However, existing 
approaches have two limitations. On the one hand, the floor the room boundaries 
detection algorithm used in previous work may regard counter, shelf or 
obstacles as wall. On the other hand, having outline information may not be 
very useful to the commercial expense activities, such as advertising, shopping 
and dining. In this proposal, we aim to design a system that makes use of 
dynamic crowdsourcing data from smart phone to accurately construct the floor 
plan of shopping malls and label shop with types and brand name. Our empirical 
experiments show that people moving pattern and acoustic information are varied 
from different shops. Moreover, due to the pervasive WiFi, nearly all the shops 
have APs to provide wireless connections either for customers or their own 
employee and they are more likely to use the brand name as SSID. By 
investigating these observations, we design a novel gradient based algorithm in 
shops boundaries detection. Then we leverage people moving pattern and acoustic 
information obtained from smart phone to classify shops into different types. 
Finally, we generate a WiFi heat map from crowdsourcing data and matching APs 
in the floor plan to pinpoint shop location and use SSID to indicate brand 
name. We only leverage mobile phone sensor reading without human intrusion.

Date:                   Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Time:                   1:00pm - 3:00pm

Venue:                  Room 3405
                         lifts 17/18

Committee Members:      Prof. Lionel Ni (Supervisor)
                         Dr. Huamin Qu (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Lei Chen
 			Dr. Qiong Luo

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