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STAR: Stack Trace based Automatic Crash Reproduction
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "STAR: Stack Trace based Automatic Crash Reproduction" by Mr. Ning CHEN ABSTRACT: Software crash reproduction is a necessary first step for debugging. Unfortunat ely, it is often labor intensive. To automate crash reproduction, many capture-replay approaches have been propos ed. These approaches capture software executions and reliably reproduce the captured executions. How ever, these approaches usually incur substantial performance overhead. Alternatively, post-failure-process app roaches such as Windows Error Reporting System and Google Breakpad collect memory dumps or stack traces after crashes occurred. Since these approaches do not incur any additional performance overhead, they are wid ely used in practice. The information collected from post-failure-process approaches is used to prioritiz e debugging effort and provide debugging hints for developers. Eventually, developers need to manually reprodu ce crashes using the information, which requires non-trivial effort. In this proposal, I propose an automatic cra sh reproduction framework, STAR, which can reproduce crashes using only the crash stack trace information. The framewo rk can generate crash reproducible test cases without incurring performance overhead to real world executions. Date: Tuesday, 23 April 2013 Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm Venue: Room 3405 lifts 17/18 Committee Members: Dr. Sunghun Kim (Supervisor) Dr. Raymond Wong (Chairperson) Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung Dr. Charles Zhang **** ALL are Welcome ****