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Optimal Multi-dimensional Mechanism Design
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Optimal Multi-dimensional Mechanism Design" by Mr. Bo QIN Abstract: Optimal mechanism design problem, which addresses how a seller can auction off items to interested bidders to maximize her profit, are extremely important in mathematical economics and are becoming more so in computer science. In a seminal result, Myerson solved the single-item Bayesian mechanism design problem. Even though some progress was made in certain restricted settings, the extension of this problem to multi-dimensional mechanism design, which may incorporate more general settings with multiple heterogeneous items, asymmetric bidders' preferences as well as complicated feasibility constraints, remains open. Despite its importance in economics, this multi-dimensional mechanism design problem has been notorious in algorithmic game theory due to the hardness of developing a polynomial-time optimal mechanism, even for simple cases. This survey concentrates on describing progress on the optimal multi-dimensional mechanism design problem. Our main purpose is to present an overview of the development of solutions for this problem, with emphasis on some recent typical ideas and techniques. In particular, some important results in designing polynomial-time optimal mechanisms for some specific multi-dimensional settings are discussed and compared, including recently obtained constant-factor and nearly-optimal approximations, as well as as lower bounds on this problem in the general setting. We end this survey by discussing some open questions. Date: Wednesday, 12 March 2014 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3402 lifts 17/18 Committee Members: Prof. Mordecai Golin (Supervisor) Dr. Sunil Arya (Chairperson) Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng Dr. Ke Yi **** ALL are Welcome ****