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Accelerating Betweenness Centrality Computation on Heterogeneous Processors
MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "Accelerating Betweenness Centrality Computation on Heterogeneous Processors" By Miss Yan ZHAO Abstract The betweenness centrality (BC) measure of nodes in a graph is widely used in graph analysis. As both multicore CPUs and manycore GPUs are becoming greatly competitive in their parallel computation power, we propose to utilize these heterogeneous processors on a single machine to accelerate the BC computation. Specifically, we study vertex-based versus edge-based parallelization strategies for GPU-based BC computation on unweighted graphs, and propose to combine the two strategies to achieve the best performance. Furthermore, we examine the performance tradeoff with and without sorting in computing BC of weighted graphs on the GPU. We have implemented representative BC algorithms on the CPU and the GPU, and evaluated them on a server with two Intel E5-2650 CPUs and four NVIDIA M2090 GPUs. Our results show that, with suitable parallelization and optimization, BC computation can be scaled well on the set of heterogeneous processors. Date: Thursday, 22 May 2014 Time: 9:00am - 11:00am Venue: Room 4480 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Qiong Luo (Supervisor) Dr. Ke Yi (Chairperson) Dr. Raymond Wong **** ALL are Welcome ****