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Machine Recognition of Music Emotion and the Correlation with Musical Timbre
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Machine Recognition of Music Emotion and the Correlation with Musical Timbre" by Mr. Bin WU Abstract: Music is one of the primary triggers of emotion. Listeners perceive strong emotions in music, and composers can create emotion-driven music. Researchers have given more and more attention to this area because of the many interesting applications such as emotion-based music searching and automatic soundtrack matching. These applications have motivated research on the correlation between music features such as timbre and emotion perception. Machine recognition methods for music emotion have also been developed for automatically recognizing affective musical content so that it can be indexed and retrieved on large scale based on emotion. In this research, our goal is to enable machine to automatically recognize music emotion. Therefore, we focus on two major topics: 1) understand the correlation between music emotion and timbre, 2) design algorithms for automatic music emotion recognition. To understand the correlation between music emotion and timbre, we designed listening tests to compare sounds from eight wind and bowed string instruments. We wanted to know if some sounds were consistently perceived as being happier or sadder in pairwise comparisons, and which spectral features were most important aside from spectral centroid. Therefore, we conducted listening tests of normal sounds, centroid-equalized sounds, as well as static sounds. Our results showed strong emotional predispositions for each instrument, and that the even/odd harmonic ratio is perhaps the most salient timbral feature after attack time and brightness. To design algorithms for automatic music emotion recognition, we investigated music emotion's properties. We found that the major problem of automatic music emotion recognition is lack-of-data, which is due to 1) music emotion is genre-specific, therefore labeled data for each music category is sparse; 2) music emotion is time-varying, and there is little time-varying labels for music emotion. Therefore, in our preliminary study, we have exploited unlabeled and social tagging data to alleviate problem 1). For problem 2), we have proposed to exploit time-sync comments data with a novel temporal and personal topic model, and to exploit lyrics with a novel hierarchical Bayesian model. Date: Monday, 27 April 2015 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3501 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Andrew Horner (Supervisor) Prof. Qiang Yang (Chairperson) Dr. Jogesh Muppala Dr. Raymond Wong **** ALL are Welcome ****