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Machine Learning Models For Some Learning Analytics Issues In Massive Open Online Courses
MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "Machine Learning Models For Some Learning Analytics Issues In Massive Open Online Courses" By Mr. Fei MI Abstract With the enormous scale of massive open online courses (MOOCs), many interesting learning analytics issues are worth studying. Peer grading is one vital issue for addressing the assessment challenge for open-ended assignments or exams while at the same time providing students with an effective learning experience through involvement in the grading process. Most existing MOOC platforms use simple schemes for aggregating peer grades, e.g., taking the median or mean. To enhance these schemes, some recent research attempts have developed machine learning methods under either the cardinal setting (for absolute judgment) or the ordinal setting (for relative judgment). In this thesis, we seek to study both cardinal and ordinal aspects of peer grading within a common framework. First, we propose novel extensions to some existing probabilistic graphical models for cardinal peer grading. Not only do these extensions give superior performance in cardinal evaluation, but they also outperform conventional ordinal models in ordinal evaluation. Next, we combine cardinal and ordinal models by augmenting ordinal models with cardinal predictions as prior. Such combination can achieve further performance boosts in both cardinal and ordinal evaluations, suggesting a new research direction to pursue for peer grading on MOOCs. Extensive experiments have been conducted using real peer grading data from a course offered by HKUST on the Coursera platform. As another learning analytics issue, dropout prediction is important due to the high attrition rate commonly seen on many MOOC platforms. Previous methods and current baselines use relatively simple machine learning models such as support vector machines and logistic regression. They use various features that reflect the student activities on a MOOC platform, including lecture video watching, forum activities etc. Since these features are captured continuously during the course period, dropout prediction is essentially a time series prediction problem. We propose to use a recurrent neural network model with long short-term memory cells to solve the dropout prediction problem. Extensive experiments conducted on both Coursera course and edX course offered by HKUST show significant improvement over other methods. Date: Wednesday, 27 May 2015 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Venue: Room 2126B Lift 19 Committee Members: Prof. Dit-Yan Yeung (Supervisor) Dr. Brian Mak (Chairperson) Dr. Raymond Wong **** ALL are Welcome ****