A survey of large scale 3D reconstruction from unordered images

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "A survey of large scale 3D reconstruction from unordered images"


Mr. Runze ZHANG


With the explosion of images in the internet and the emerging of high 
resolution imagery and automatic imaging devices, the scale of 3D 
reconstruction from unordered images is enlarged from the object level to the 
city level and even the world level.

The core techniques are almost ready for 3D reconstruction from small or medium 
data sets, nevertheless, it is inefficient and may yield unsatisfied results to 
simply apply the algorithms to large scale data sets. The large scale image 
data sets are unordered, redundant and spotty, which introduce more challenges 
in the aspect of efficiency and accuracy. The state-of-the-art of 3D 
reconstruction consists of two key ingredients, Structure-from-Motion(SfM) and 
Multiple View Stereo(MVS). Structure-from-Motion is to extract camera poses and 
feature point positions from images and Multiple View Stereo is to reconstruct 
a complete 3D representation of an object or scene. In the large scale SfM , it 
must be solved how to matching large scale images and validate camera poses. In 
the large scale MVS, the large scale challenges concentrate on the selection of 
suitable images and dividing-and-conquer problem.

In this survey, we first introduce the state-of-the-art of 3D reconstruction 
and the problem definitions in each stage. Then, we will focus on the two core 
stages of 3D reconstruction, Structure-from-Motion and Multiple View Stereo. In 
the reviewing of the two stages, the fundamental will be first reviewed as they 
are essential to tackle the large scale problem. Then, we will review the 
significant methods and systems to solve the large scale problems. In the end 
of each section, we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these 
methods and propose existed problems to be solved in the future.

Date:			Thursday, 3 March 2016

Time:                  	3:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:                  Room 4504
                         Lifts 25/26

Committee Members:	Prof. Long Quan (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Albert Chung
 			Prof. Huamin Qu

**** ALL are Welcome ****