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A Survey of Scheduling in Cluster Computing
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A Survey of Scheduling in Cluster Computing" by Mr. Chen CHEN Abstract: With the prevalence of large scale data analytics, it has become a norm to run the data parallel applications in a large cluster of machines. Having various applications coexisting in a cluster, the cluster scheduler serves as a critical component to the overall system performance and service quality. An idealized scheduler shall be general enough to accommodate multiple cluster computing frameworks, like Hadoop and Spark. Meanwhile, the scheduler in production clusters shall scale well to provide timely response when massive scheduling requests keep arriving. More importantly, predictable and fast job response is highly expected to ensure good user experience of end-user-facing products like Google search, and this requires cluster schedulers to provide both fairness and performance. As a result, recent years have witnessed unremitting research efforts for designing appropriate cluster schedulers satisfying the above requirements. This survey provides a systematical review about state-of-the-art cluster schedulers. Besides generality and scalability, we mainly focus on the fairness and performance aspects. Albeit conflicting, fairness and performance are both desirable features for a cluster scheduler, and striking a balance between them is practically necessary. Nonetheless, current solutions for that compromise are merely complex heuristics, without theoretical support or worst-case guarantees. Further explorations are called for on that problem. Date: Thursday, 9 March 2017 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Bo Li (Supervisor) Dr. Wei Wang (Supervisor) Prof. Lei Chen (Chairperson) Dr. Kai Chen **** ALL are Welcome ****