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Accurate, Scalable and Parallel Structure from Motion
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Accurate, Scalable and Parallel Structure from Motion" by Mr. Siyu ZHU Abstract: Structure from motion (SfM) is a photogrammetric technique for estimating three-dimensional structures from two-dimensional images. Thanks to the rapid development of portable photo acquisition equipments cameras and the explosion of on-line image collections, large-scale SfM has achieved extraordinary progress in the past few years. However, large-scale SfM is still challenging in three aspects, namely accuracy, scalability and efficiency. The target of this work is to handle highly accurate and consistent large-scale SfM problems in a parallel and scalable manner. First, we tackle the accurate and consistent Structure from Motion (SfM) problem, in particular camera registration, far exceeding the memory of a single computer in parallel. Different from the previous methods which drastically simplify the parameters of SfM, we propose a camera clustering algorithm to divide a large SfM problem into smaller sub-problems in terms of camera clusters with overlapping while preserving as many connectivity among cameras and tracks as possible. We next exploit a hybrid formulation leveraging the relative motions from local incremental SfM into a global motion averaging framework to produce superior accurate and consistent initial camera poses. Our scalable formulation in terms of camera clusters is highly applicable to the whole SfM pipeline including track generation, local SfM, 3D point triangulation and bundle adjustment, and able to reconstruct camera poses of a city-scale data-set containing 665K high-resolution images with the state-of-the-art accuracy and robustness evaluated on both the benchmark and Internet data-sets. Then we propose a divide-and-conquer algorithm to solve large-scale motion averaging problems in a highly parallel scheme. First, we partition the full camera set into clusters in which local SfM is performed to provide robust relative motions and initialize global camera poses. Then the full motion averaging problem is decoupled into several sub-problems with respect to their local coordinate frame encoded by a similarity transformation for independent optimization in parallel. Finally, we can merge sub-problems globally without caching the whole reconstruction in memory at once. A hierarchical system is subsequently proposed not only able to solve large-scale motion averaging problems including one consisted of 665K images in an inherently parallel scheme but also simplifies challenging translation averaging to a well-posed similarity averaging problem. Experiments on benchmark and Internet data-sets confirm that our unified system improves accuracy over the state-of-the-art methods with comparable efficiency. Global bundle adjustment usually converges to a non-zero residual and produces sub-optimal camera poses for local areas, which leads to loss of details for high-resolution reconstruction. Instead of trying harder to optimize everything globally, we argue that we should live with the non-zero residual and adapt the camera poses to local areas. To this end, we propose a segment-based approach to readjust the camera poses locally and improve the reconstruction for fine geometry details. The key idea is to partition the globally optimized structure from motion points into well-conditioned segments for re-optimization, reconstruct their geometry individually, and fuse everything back into a consistent global model. This significantly reduces severe propagated errors and estimation biases caused by the initial global adjustment. The results on several datasets demonstrate that this approach can significantly improve the reconstruction accuracy, while maintaining the consistency of the 3D structure between segments. To the best of my knowledge, ours is the first pipeline able to reconstruct highly accurate and consistent camera poses from 665K high-resolution images in a parallel manner. Date: Wednesday, 22 March 2017 Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm Venue: Room 1504 (lifts 25/26) Committee Members: Prof. Long Quan (Supervisor) Prof. Huamin Qu (Chairperson) Dr. Pedro Sander Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai **** ALL are Welcome ****