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A Survey on Array Databases
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A Survey on Array Databases" by Mr. Guo CHEN Abstract: While scientific investigation has been one of the most important sources of big data, the most ubiquitous representation of scientific data, array, is still far from being studied from the perspective of database modeling and processing. There is insufficient support of incorporating arrays into the current database technology. Therefore, scientists in many disciplines, such as earth science and meteorology, mainly rely on their own ad-hoc approaches to manipulate the datasets. To overcome this, large multi-dimensional arrays as first-class database citizens have been researched. The formalism and query languages tailored for array databases have been proposed. Some prototypes are also implemented and in practical use. In this report, we first present the motivation of array processing systems, followed by analysing array database model from a top-down approach: conceptual, logical and physical layer. Then the differences between array database model and other relevant models are discussed. Finally, the potential research issues in this burgeoning research area conclude this report. Date: Friday, 18 May 2018 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Wilfred Ng (Supervisor) Dr. Raymond Wong (Chairperson) Prof. Frederick Lochovsky Prof. Dimitris Papadias **** ALL are Welcome ****