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Automatic Patch Generation with Context-based Change Application
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Automatic Patch Generation with Context-based Change Application" by Mr. Jindae KIM Abstract: Automatic patch generation techniques leveraging human-written patches have shown impressive performance. Early techniques often have only a handful of fix templates or operations, hence their ability to generate various patches is limited. More recent techniques employ syntactic/semantic code search, or mining common change templates to supply abundant source of modifications for patch generation. However, acquiring abilities to generate more various patches brings a new issue that it is more difficult to find a necessary, correct patch for a bug among various candidates. Although existing techniques addressed the issue in their own ways, none of them explicitly used the context of collected changes. In this thesis proposal, we introduce ConFix, an automatic patch generation technique using context-based change application, in order to add one more novel approach to automatic patch generation line-up. Our context- based change application technique provides a means to collect abstract AST subtree-level changes and their AST contexts. Given a target location to be modified, the technique identifies the location’s context, and only applies changes with the same context to that location. In this way, ConFix can filter out improbable fix locations if their contexts have not been appeared in collected contexts from human-written patches. It also effectively selects necessary changes among many collected changes by considering their contexts. Collected abstract changes are adapted to buggy source code using variables, types and methods appeared in the buggy code to increase utilization of the collected changes. In the preliminary evaluation of ConFix with real Java bugs, ConFix successfully generated test-adequate patches for even more bugs than the total number of fixed bugs of three compared techniques combined. Some of these bugs have never been fixed by the compared techniques, and patches generated by ConFix have high-quality. We also found that AST contexts were indeed useful to support changes selection for automatic patch generation. Date: Thursday, 24 May 2018 Time: 3:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Room 4475 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Sunghun Kim (Supervisor) Dr. Yangqiu Song (Chairperson) Prof. Andrew Horner Dr. Xiaojuan Ma **** ALL are Welcome ****