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PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "RECENT ADVANCES IN COOPERATIVE TRANSMISSION FOR MIMO NETWORKS" by Mr. Wang Kit WONG Abstract: The ever-growing wireless bandwidth requirement is pushing network operators to densify base stations (BSs) deployment, which results in multi-tier networks consisting of macrocells, femtocells and smallcells. The well-known interference issue becomes a significant factor limiting user throughput in such dense heterogeneous networks. To avoid interference, previous methods orthogonalize channel access in both frequency and time domain. However, these approaches often lead to low spectral efficiency. To improve spectral efficiency, recent cooperative transmission schemes exploiting cooperation between MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) nodes are proposed and shown to be more effective. To realize cooperative transmission, multiple interfering BSs are connected with a backhaul link forming a virtual BS, which is often referred to as a cooperation cluster. Depending on the cooperation methods, different information such as Channel State Information (CSI), user data and user scheduling information may be shared among BSs from the same cooperation cluster. Based on whether user data are shared among cooperating BSs, the cooperative transmission methods can be broadly classified as either Joint Transmission (JT) and Interference Alignment (IA). In JT, uses’ data and the channel state information (CSI) are shared among BSs within the same cooperation cluster. A user receives the same data packet from multiple BSs. To reduce control overhead, IA approaches only require sharing of CSI and scheduling information among cooperating BSs. In this survey, the state-of-the-art cooperative transmission methods of each category are present and analyzed in detail. Their strengths and weaknesses in term of achievable performance, incurred overhead, robustness, and scalability are discussed. Moreover, the open research challenges related to each issue in cooperative transmission are also discussed. Date: Friday, 23 March 2018 Time: 4:00pm - 6:00pm Venue: Room 2611 Lifts 31/32 Committee Members: Prof. Gary Chan (Supervisor) Prof. Cunsheng Ding (Chairperson) Dr. Xiaojuan Ma Dr. Wei Wang **** ALL are Welcome ****