Function Orchestration in Serverless Computing

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "Function Orchestration in Serverless Computing"


Mr. Minchen YU


Serverless computing, a.k.a., Function-as-a-Service, has become
increasingly popularin cloud computing. It allows developers to seamlessly
deploy their applications without handling the provisioning and scaling.
The advantages attract researchers and developers to exploit serverless
cloud in a wide variety of applications, e.g., microservices and data
analytics. These serverless applications typically rely on multiple cloud
functions due to their complexity. Thus we need a orchestration system to
coordinate those functions into a workflow efficiently.

This survey serves a review of selected works related to function
orchestration in serverless computing. We first give a brief introduction
of serverless computing and function orchestration. Then we present two
classes of related works: (1) cloud user-side applications and (2) cloud
provider-side optimizations. After showing representative works for each
of the two classes, we conclude this survey by discussing several
potential research topics around this field.

Date:                   Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Time:                   4:00pm - 6:00pm

Zoom Meeting: 

Committee Members:      Dr. Wei WANG (Supervisor)
                        Prof. Qian Zhang (Chairperson)
                        Dr. Kai Chen
                        Prof. Bo Li

**** ALL are Welcome ****