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Learning-based Geometric Image Matching with Modern Deep Learning Techniques
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Learning-based Geometric Image Matching with Modern Deep Learning Techniques" By Mr. Zixin LUO Abstract: Geometric image matching requires to establish sparse correspondences on 2D image points, in order to recover camera geometry in a static 3D scene. This serves as an essential basis for a broad range of computer vision tasks, including panorama stitching, visual localization, Structure-from-Motion (SfM), Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM), Augmented Reality (AR) and 3D reconstruction. During the past decade, hand-crafted keypoint features and engineered feature matchers have been widely used in practical image matching pipelines as the de-facto standard. However, the performance of traditional methods is found somewhat saturated, especially in identifying reliable correspondences across images with large perspective or lighting changes. As a result, this limitation has become the bottleneck to reconstruct scenes of next-level accuracy and completeness. With the emerging of deep learning, a great amount of effort has been spent on reformulating each component of image matching through modern neural networks, so as to be optimized in a data-driven and differentiable manner. In this thesis, we will first review the recent achievements on learning-based image matching techniques, then reveal the substantial challenges arisen from practical use, and finally elaborate the methods we have proposed that give rise to state-of-the-art results on several important benchmarking datasets. More specifically, we decompose the learning-based image matching pipeline into four sub-problems, including a novel local feature extractor 1) with a keypoint detector and 2) a keypoint descriptor, where we address the accuracy of keypoint localization, the efficiency of training data sampling, the aggregation of contextual information, and a joint learning scheme for both tasks. Next, we develop 3) an image retrieval system that shortlists the matching candidates from a large image collection, which is in particular optimized for SfM by explicitly identifying geometric image overlaps even without clear-defined semantics. Finally, we design 4) a feature matcher that rejects outlier correspondences and solves geometric models from two views, where an order-invariant neural network is designed that builds feature hierarchy and explores spatial context from point input. To facilitate above research, we also present a large-scale dataset that employs an automatic pipeline to generate rich and accurate geometric training labels from well-reconstructed 3D models. The proposed methods have been integrated into several important applications and extensively evaluated across diversified scenarios, where drastic improvements and strong generalization ability are demonstrated. Furthermore, we show great potential for future improvements and promising extension to related areas such as 3D point cloud alignment. Date: Monday, 10 February 2020 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Zoom Meeting: Chairman: Prof. Matthew MCKAY (ECE) Committee Members: Prof. Long QUAN (Supervisor) Prof. Qifeng CHEN Prof. Huamin QU Prof. Shaojie SHEN (ECE) Prof. Wenping WANG (HKU) **** ALL are Welcome ****