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Robust Registration and Semantic Understanding of 3D Point Clouds
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Robust Registration and Semantic Understanding of 3D Point Clouds" by Mr. Xuyang BAI Abstract: In recent decades, with the prevalence of affordable RGB-D cameras and LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) scanners, point cloud representation has become increasingly practical and popular in many computer vision applications such as structure from motion (SfM), simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Since a collection of point clouds is usually limited to one perspective, several acquisitions are required to cover the whole area of interest. In order to register these acquisitions from different viewpoints, point cloud registration is applied as a fundamental step for finding an optimal transformation between partially overlapped point cloud fragments and recovering a complete underlying geometry. Subsequently, with the reconstructed 3D model represented as point clouds, performing semantic scene understanding is necessary for many applications such as autonomous driving and augmented reality. In this thesis, we present our efforts in studying and contributing to these two problems, namely, point cloud registration and point cloud semantic understanding. First, we present methods for efficient and robust point cloud registration. Specifically, we decompose the point cloud registration pipeline into three learnable sub-modules. In the first method, we design 1) a keypoint detector and 2) a keypoint descriptor for efficient local feature extraction, where we demonstrate the superiority of joint learning of both detection and description tasks. In xiii the second method, we propose a 3) correspondence filtering sub-module to improve the robustness towards large outlier ratio. We explicitly incorporate the spatial consistency constrained by rigid transformations for pruning outlier correspondences. Second, we study the problem of semantic understanding on the registered point clouds. Specifically, we propose a LiDAR-camera fusion solution for 3D perception. Our studies investigate the inherent difficulties of LiDAR-camera fusion and reveal a crucial aspect to robust fusion, namely, the soft-association mechanism. The proposed module is integrated into object detection and multiple object tracking frameworks and can be easily extended to other tasks such as LiDAR semantic segmentation. In summary, we developed several learning-based methods for robust point cloud registration as well as semantic parsing on the registered point clouds. The proposed methods have been extensively evaluated on standardized benchmarks, where superior performance and strong generalization ability have been demonstrated. Date: Thursday, 7 April 2022 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Zoom Meeting: Committee Members: Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Supervisor) Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Chairperson) Dr. Qifeng Chen Prof. Pedro Sander **** ALL are Welcome ****