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Parameterized Algorithms in Static Analysis
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Parameterized Algorithms in Static Analysis" by Miss Giovanna KOBUS CONRADO Abstract: Parameterized complexity analyzes problems and instances along multiple parameters on the input or output, allowing for more efficient solutions when an instance has a smaller inherent difficulty. Some standard and well-studied parameters that model that difficulty in sparse graphs are pathwidth, treewidth and treedepth, which intuitively model the degree to which a given graph resembles a path, tree, or star, respectively. A control-flow graph of a program is a graph representation of all its execution paths. Many static analysis and compiler optimization tasks are reduced to graph problems over control-flow graphs, but it is often the case that such problems has no efficient general solution. Therefore, ample research is focused on formalizing the structure of control-flow graphs, and then exploiting it to design faster algorithms for them. In this work, I will describe graph sparsity parameters, how they relate to control-flow graphs, and how parameterization allows for more efficient algorithms in static analysis and compiler optimization. Date: Friday, 28 April 2023 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 5562 Lifts 27/28 Committee Members: Dr. Amir Goharshady (Supervisor) Dr. Sunil Arya (Chairperson) Prof. Pedro Sander Prof. Ke Yi **** ALL are Welcome ****