Advanced Binary Similarity Analysis and Its Downstream Applications

PhD Thesis Proposal Defence

Title: "Advanced Binary Similarity Analysis and Its Downstream 


Mr. Huaijin WANG


Given multiple pieces of binary code, binary similarity analysis (BSA) 
techniques detect their similarities and differences. When the source code 
is unavailable, understanding the functionality of a piece of binary code 
is difficult since it is designed for machines with poor readability. By 
utilizing already-analyzed binary code, the similarities and differences 
between pieces of binary code can help an analyzer understand their 
functionalities. Nowadays, BSA techniques empower many real-world 
applications, including patch analysis, malware detection, vulnerability 
searching, and software composition analysis.

Many BSA tools were developed during the last two decades, all focusing on 
overcoming the challenges of analyzing binary code introduced by the code 
compilation process. Due to diverse architectures, various compilers, 
optimizations, and sophisticated obfuscations, the pieces of binary code 
compiled from the same source code can be completely different, e.g., the 
instruction sequence and control-flow graph can be changed significantly. 
Therefore, recent BSA techniques aim to extract the semantics from binary 
code, which remains unchanged even with distinct compilation 
configurations. However, existing approaches for extracting semantic 
features are either program-analysis-based and unscalable or 
deep-neural-network-based (DNN-based) with a high false positive rate. 
This thesis demonstrates our novel designs of combining 
program-analysis-based and DNN-based methods for BSA and presents the 
performance of our works in various scenarios.

Our first work addressed the high false positive rate problem of DNN-based 
BSA techniques with acceptable overhead. We noticed that DNN-based BSA 
techniques frequently score a piece of relatively-dissimilar binary code 
with a similarity higher than the binary code compiled from the same 
source code, resulting in many false positive cases. When the BSA tool 
assigns the highest similarity score between a vulnerable function and its 
patched version, an analyzer likely treats the binary as patched and 
causes fatal problems. Therefore, we propose our low-cost equivalence 
checking tool, BinUSE. It utilizes under-constrained symbolic execution to 
explore paths from a function’s entry until an external function call. By 
comparing each path’s invoked external functions and symbolic constraints, 
we can trim irrelative functions and raise the top-1 accuracy by 11%.

Our second work aims at designing a usable BSA tool for the most 
challenging setting, analyzing obfuscated binary code. Most existing BSA 
techniques did not evaluate their accuracy on the obfuscated binary code, 
whereas some obfuscation-resilient BSA techniques depend on symbolic 
execution and constraint solving, which are inefficient. We further 
evaluated several de facto DNN-based BSA tools on obfuscated binary code. 
Compared with their evaluation results on normally compiled binaries, 
their top-1 accuracy reduced from 74% to 13%. We realized that existing 
DNN-based BSA techniques still heavily rely on structural information like 
instruction sequences and control-flow graphs. Hence, we design sem2vec. 
It first extracts symbolic expressions from binary code via 
under-constrained symbolic execution, then feeds those 
obfuscation-resilient features into the DNN model. Our evaluation proves 
sem2vec’s obfuscation-resilient capability with 52.2% top-1 while 
analyzing heavily-obfuscated software.

Date:			Monday, 13 March 2023

Time:                  	3:00pm - 5:00pm

Venue:			Room 4472
  			lifts 25/26

Committee Members:	Dr. Shuai Wang (Supervisor)
   			Prof. Shing-Chi Cheung (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Lionel Parreaux
 			Dr. Jiasi Shen

**** ALL are Welcome ****