Query Evaluation under Differential Privacy

PhD Thesis Proposal Defence

Title: "Query Evaluation under Differential Privacy"


Mr. Wei DONG


Differential privacy (DP) has garnered significant attention from both 
academia and industry due to its potential in offering robust privacy 
protection for individual data during analysis. With the increasing volume 
of sensitive information being collected by organizations and analyzed 
through SQL queries, the development of a general-purpose query engine 
that is capable of supporting a broad range of SQLs while maintaining 
differential privacy has become the holy grail in privacy-preserving query 
release. Over the past several years, the database and security 
communities have made numerous efforts to achieve this objective. However, 
two major challenges still exist: Challenge 1: Privacy guarantee in 
relational databases. Informally speaking, DP requires 
indistinguishability of the query results whether any particular 
individual’s data is included or not in the database. While this can be 
easily defined and well studied over a single flat table, the situation 
becomes more complex in a relational database with the presence of 
multiple relations, foreign keys, and the join operator.

Challenge 2: Optimal privacy-utility trade-off. Noise injection is 
inherently necessary for privacy protection, but the central 
scientific question is how to achieve the lowest error (i.e., highest 
utility) under a given privacy budget. Unfortunately, for the problem of 
relational query evaluation under DP, traditional notions of optimality, 
i.e., instance optimality and worst-case optimality, are either 
unattainable or meaningless. Thus, a new notion of optimality is needed 
for answering this question.

In this thesis, we aim at tackling these challenges. To model the complex 
situation of relational databases, we study two different DP policies: 
tuple-DP, which protects the privacy of single tuples in each relation, 
and user-DP, which protects all data belonging to each user via foreign 
keys. Under each policy, we have designed DP mechanisms for answering a 
broad class of queries consisting of the selection, projection, 
aggregation, and join operators. To formalize their optimality, we 
introduce the notion of neighborhood optimality, which sits between 
instance optimality and worst-case optimality. Finally, based on the 
algorithms and theory developed, we have built a DP-SQL system that 
significantly outperforms existing systems in terms of both utility and 

Date:			Monday, 27 February 2023

Time:                  	11:00am - 1:00pm

Venue:			Room 5501
 			lifts 25/26

Committee Members:	Prof. Ke Yi (Supervisor)
  			Prof. Dimitris Papadias (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Dimitris Papadopoulos
 			Prof. Raymond Wong

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