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Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Fréchet Problems
PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "Exact and Approximate Algorithms for Fréchet Problems" by Mr. Haoqiang HUANG Abstract: Fréchet distance is a popular distance metric for measuring the similarity between curves. It appears in many algorithmic problems motivated by the analysis of curves and trajectories like curve simplification, clustering, nearest neighbor/range searching queries. We present new algorithms for these problems under the Fréchet distance. First, we consider curve simplification and clustering. We present a novel space of configurations and a useful geometric construct that lead us to the first bicriteria approximation scheme for curve simplification. We further extend these notions to a set of curves, and design an algorithm to compute a simplified representative for multiple curves. By combining this technique with a framework in the literature, we obtain the first approximation algorithm for (k,l)-median clustering under Fréchet distance. Then, we turn to the nearest neighbor problem. We design an encoding scheme for an arbitrary curve with respect to a set of fixed curves. This encoding scheme allows us to transform a query curve into an encoding from a finite space, which enables us to design the first approximate nearest neighbor data structure for polygonal curves in d-dimensional space under the Fréchet distance that has a space complexity dependent on the input size only. Finally, we switch our attention to exact algorithms. We characterize Fréchet distance by a polynomial system and study multiple Fréchet problems via algebraic methods. This new algebraic perspective allows us to get exact algorithms for a wide range of problems including curve simplification, nearest neighbor and range searching, which are unknown until our work. Date: Monday, 11 March 2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 5501 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng (Supervisor) Prof. Dimitris Papadias (Chairperson) Prof. Ke Yi Dr. Sunil Arya