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A Survey on Medical Report Generation
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A Survey on Medical Report Generation" by Mr. Haibo JIN Abstract: Medical image examination and its interpretation plays an important role in discovering diseases and abnormalities from the patients. However, manually interpreting each examination into a report is both time consuming and challenging. It has been shown that a radiologist spends around 10 minutes to finish a report on average. On the other hand, the ever increasing demand of image examinations far exceeds the increase of radiologists, which further brings burdens to radiologists. Due to the complexity of anatomy and the subtle variations in lesion areas, writing medical report is also a challenging task for radiologists. It has been reported that radiologists often show high inter- observer variability in their interpretations and even skilled radiologists can miss about 30% abnormalities in their works. To this end, automatic report generation has attracted more and more attentions from the researchers as it has the potential to largely relieve the burden of radiologists. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of the recent researches on medical report generation. We present the existing methods via the taxonomy we build and summarize the strategies for improving model performance into five categories. Finally, we discuss the primary challenges of this field and point out promising future directions. Date: Tuesday, 28 May 2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 2128A Lift 19 Committee Members: Dr. Hao Chen (Supervisor) Dr. Dan Xu (Chairperson) Dr. Long Chen Dr. Qifeng Chen