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Parameterized Algorithms in Graph Analysis
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Parameterized Algorithms in Graph Analysis" by Mr. Pingjiang LI Abstract: Parameterization is a technique that can make the original problem instances have more restrictions. With this additional restriction, we can somehow lower the difficulty of the original problem, and thus design more efficient algorithms to solve the problem. Especially, we can make a lot of NP-hard problems have kind of polynomial time algorithms after the parameterization. In this survey, I will describe one graph sparsity parameter, treewidth and explain how we can make use of this parameter to have faster algorithms. Date: Monday, 22 April 2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 4475 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Amir Goharshady (Supervisor) Dr. Jiasi Shen (Chairperson) Prof. Cunsheng Ding Prof. Pedro Sander
Last updated on 2024-04-10
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