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Summer 2002
Date | Candidate | Title | Announcements |
4 September 2002 | Mr. Theocharis Malamatos | Expected-Case Planar Point Location | PhD Thesis Defense |
28 August 2002 | Mr. Athanasios Loukopoulos | Caching and Replication Schemes on the Internet | PhD Thesis Defense |
28 August 2002 | Mr. Ho-Lam Lau | The Development of Nested Relational Sequence Model to Support XML Data | MPhil Thesis Defense |
27 August 2002 | Miss Yuk-Ying Wu | File Allocation in Parallel Video Servers | MPhil Thesis Defense |
27 August 2002 | Mr. Daniel Sai-Hang Suek | Timbre Based Pitch Separation | MPhil Thesis Defense |
26 August 2002 | Mr. Ming-Kit Chan | Active Queue Management Schemes Using a Capture-Recapture Model | MPhil Thesis Defense |
19 August 2002 | Mr. Kin-Pong Cheung | Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Algorithms in Bluetooth Piconet and Scatternet | MPhil Thesis Defense |
17 August 2002 | Mr. Yeuk-Kiu Shun | Web Mining from Client Side User Activity Log | MPhil Thesis Defense |
15 August 2002 | Mr. Lotfi Mhamdi | High-Performance Scheduling Algorithms for Buffered Crossbar Switches | MPhil Thesis Defense |
14 August 2002 | Mr. Jicheng Zhao | A Study of Answer Set Programming | MPhil Thesis Defense |
8 August 2002 | Mr. Kong-Hong Pun | Static Round-Robin Scheduling Algorithms for Scalable Switches | MPhil Thesis Defense |
8 August 2002 | Mr. Zhemin Ding | Resource Management and Allocation in Optical Networks Using Blocking Island Paradigm | MPhil
Thesis Defense (cancelled) |
6 August 2002 | Mr. Hanif Curreem | A Watermarking Protocol for Digital Contents Distribution | MPhil Thesis Defense |
2 August 2002 | Mr. Yuanping Zhang | Counting Spanning Trees in Some Special Graphs | PhD Thesis Defense |
29 July 2002 | Mr. Xuerong Yong | The Channel Capacity of One and Two-Dimensional Constrained Codes | PhD Thesis Defense |
25 July 2002 | Mr. Dong Hua | 3-Level Latent Structure Models for TCM Data Analysis | MPhil Thesis Defense |
22 July 2002 | Miss Yan-Nam Lau | Adaptive Approach to Triangulation of Isosurface in Volume Data | MPhil Thesis Defense |
8 July 2002 | Mr. Yongsheng Yang | A Maximum Entropy Approach to Chinese Language Parsing | MPhil Thesis Defense |
5 July 2002 | Mr. Yufei Tao | Indexing and Query Processing in Spatio-Temporal Databases and Data Wavehouses | PhD Thesis Defense |
26 June 2002 | Mr. Sven Till | A Survey on Business-to-Business E-Contracts | PhD Qualifying Examination |
26 June 2002 | Mr. Jianliang Xu | On Client-Side Data Caching in Mobile Computing Environments | PhD Thesis Defense |
21 June 2002 | Mr. Chun-Pong Lai | Several Variants and Generalizations of Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme | MPhil Thesis Defense |
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