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Summer 2003
Date | Candidate | Title | Announcements |
28 August 2003 | Mr. Yin Li | Interactive Modeling of Image-Based Rendering | PhD Thesis Proposal Defense |
28 August 2003 | Mr. Wai-Shun Tong | MM-TV: A Multiscale and Multiresolution Approach for Tensor Voting | PhD Thesis Proposal Defense |
25 August 2003 | Mr. Ho-Ming Chan | A Supervised Learning Framework for Multi-Modal Rigid Registration with Applications to Angiographic Images | MPhil Thesis Defense |
25 August 2003 | Mr. Chun-Kit Wong | Three Dimensional Vascular Segmentation Based on Maximum Intensity Projections and Orientation Tensors | MPhil Thesis Defense |
25 August 2003 | Mr. Yan Zhang | External Memory Computational Geometry | PhD Qualifying Examination |
20 August 2003 | Mr. Kin-Chung Au | Sampling-Sensitive Multiresolution Hierarchy for Irregular Meshes | MPhil Thesis Defense |
20 August 2003 | Miss Jing Liu | Stable and Scalable Arbitration Algorithms for Crossbar-Based Switches/Routers | MPhil Thesis Defense |
19 August 2003 | Mr. Chi-Pan Li | A Distributed Scheme to Detect and Defend against Distributed Denial of Service Attacks | MPhil Thesis Defense |
18 August 2003 | Mr. Zhen Zhou | Randomized On-Line Scheduling | PhD Qualifying Examination |
18 August 2003 | Mr. Ka-Lung Ho | Kernel Eigenvoice Speaker Adaptation | MPhil Thesis Defense |
14 August 2003 | Miss Ping Wu | Fairness and Stability Analysis for Adaptive Layered Video Multicast | MPhil Thesis Defense |
8 August 2003 | Miss Jun Miao | Searching in Unstructured P2P Networks | PhD Qualifying Examination |
4 August 2003 | Mr. Wan-Ching Wong | SALM: An Efficient Application-Level Multicast for Content Distribution | MPhil Thesis Defense |
1 August 2003 | Mr. Hui Wang | Mining Novel Web User Behavior Models for Access Prediction | MPhil Thesis Defense |
31 July 2003 | Mr. Wai-Hung Tsang | Kernel Methods in Supervised and Unsupervised Learning | MPhil Thesis Defense |
4 July 2003 | Miss Sin Yam To | Quality of Service Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks | MPhil Thesis Defense |
4 July 2003 | Mr. Jimeng Sun | Analysis of Predictive Spatio-Temporal Queries | MPhil Thesis Defense |
4 July 2003 | Mr. Chung Yin Fu | Skyline Queries in Database Systems | MPhil Thesis Defense |
3 July 2003 | Miss Hong Cheng | Mining High-Utility Plans from Plan Databases | MPhil Thesis Defense |
2 July 2003 | Mr. Ka Lok Chan | Intra and Inter Piconet Scheduling in Bluetooth Personal Area Networks | MPhil Thesis Defense |
2 July 2003 | Mr. Wai Sun Ko | Innovation on Bluetooth Intra-Piconet Scheduling Algorithms | MPhil Thesis Defense |
27 June 2003 | Miss Baihua Zheng | Indexing of Location-Dependent Data in Mobile Computing Environments | PhD Thesis Defense |
25 June 2003 | Mr. Jian Zhao | Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Digital Video Over Wireless Networks | PhD Thesis Defense |
23 June 2003 | Mr. Yin Fai Ho | Data Indexing in Heterogeneous Multiple Broadcast Channels Environment | MPhil Thesis Defense |
16 June 2003 | Mr. Zhemin Ding | Resource Management and Allocation in Optical Networks | PhD Thesis Proposal Defense |
13 June 2003 | Mr. Ho Lun Ng | ROD-TV: Surface Reconstruction on Demand by Tensor Voting | MPhil Thesis Defense |
13 June 2003 | Mr. Ruiduo Yang | On Predictive Coded Video: Facilitating VCR Functionality and Error Recovery | MPhil Thesis Defense |
9 June 2003 | Mr. Jiaya Jia | Image and Video Repairing by ND Tensor Voting | PhD Thesis Proposal Defense |
7 June 2003 | Mr. Xiaowen Chu | RWA and Wavelength Conversion in Wavelength-Routed All-Optical WDM Networks | PhD Thesis Defense |
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