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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "A GPU-BASED FRAMEWORK FOR REAL-TIME RENDERING OF OPEN WATER PHENOMENA" By Mr. Jianwei Le Abstract Real-time water-related phenomena play an important part in modern video games and interactive applications. This thesis presents a new framework for generating real-time, three-dimensional, open water phenomena entirely on the GPU. It is useful for generating water springs or water splashes caused by external forces in real-time virtual environments. The proposed framework is composed of macro and micro parts. For the macro part, we use a deformable mesh with displacement mapping to simulate large-scale, three-dimensional, dynamic water volumes. In addition, a height-field based water model with dynamic disturbance is used to render the water surface. For the micro part, the framework adopts a volume rendering technique to produce the effect of water mist and small-scale water splashes, and uses a GPU-based particle system to simulate large-scale water splashes that can dynamically disturb the water surface. Since this framework is an integration of physically-based and image-based rendering techniques, it enables easy customization by adjusting physical parameters and changing different image artworks to produce variants of real-time, open water phenomena. Date: Friday, 27 June 2008 Time: 3:00p.m.-5:00p.m. Venue: Room 4483 Lifts 25-26 Committee Members: Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai (Supervisor) Dr. Pedro Sander (Chairperson) Dr. Philip Fu **** ALL are Welcome ****