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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "OUT-OF-CORE CONSTRUCTION AND SIMPLIFICATION OF MORSE-SMALE COMPLEXES" By Mr. Wenqi Zhu Abstract The Morse-Smale Complex is a frequently used structure to represent the topology of a scalar field, which is used in many scientific applications. It captures the topological characteristics by segmenting the field based on gradients. Topological persistence is defined on each of the critical points in the Morse-Smale Complex to measure its importance. Sometimes, it is also necessary to simplify the Morse-Smale Complexes based on persistence so that the main topological characteristics of the complex are preserved. When data sets become larger and larger, it will expose the scalability problem for the existing algorithms in the framework of the RAM model. In the RAM model, all the data units can be accessed in constant time. However, when the data can not be loaded into the main memory at once, there will be additional swapping cost (I/O) between the main memory and secondary memory. The I/O cost is usually much larger than the computation in main memory and becomes the bottleneck. Thus the existing algorithms become far slower than what we would like when there are lots of I/Os. My work mainly focuses on out-of-core algorithms to construct and simplify Morse-Smale Complexes, while minimizing the I/O costs. We prove theoretical bounds on the I/O complexity for both algorithms. Experiments are conducted and show that the out-of-core algorithms are order-of-magnitude faster than their internal memory counterparts when the data set exceeds the physical memory limit. Date: Monday, 4 August 2008 Time: 10:00a.m.-12:00noon Venue: Room 3402 Lifts 17-18 Committee Members: Dr. Ke Yi (Supervisor) Dr. Sunil Arya (Chairperson) Dr. Pedro Sander **** ALL are Welcome ****