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Visual Enhancement Using Multiple Cues
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Visual Enhancement Using Multiple Cues" By Mr. Jia Chen Abstract Despite the advances in imaging technology, fundamental limitations of camera still exist and captured photographs can be defective. Two major types of defects are blur and noise. Enhancement of image and video is an important topic in computer vision and graphics, because it can serve either as a pre-processing step for other algorithms or as a post-processing step to directly produce enhanced output for users. In this thesis, I will explore the issues and propose solutions to visual enhancement given images corrupted by blur and noise. There are a great number of previous works and most of them use a single image for the purpose of enhancement. This thesis will study the problem from a different perspective: using multiple cues for visual enhancement. Different ways are proposed to construct useful cues in addition to the source image itself. In deblurring, we introduce one more shot thus converting the deblurring problem from using a single image to using two images. In denoising problem, we use the noise layer as well as the noisy image for image noise removal. We formulate video denoising by optimizing one frame with multiple temporal observations. While it is intuitive that using multiple cues will provide us with more information for enhancement, many research challenges remain to be solved. First of all, it is important to construct and collect multiple cues in proper ways. Second, the observations should be linked in a computational framework. The theme of this thesis is centered at a unified multi-cue enhancement approach, where we emphasize the importance of invariant quantity in linking multiple cues. We will also derive specific optimization procedures for integrating prior knowledge with these observations. I will first analyze image deblurring problem using two observations. Given that the two inputs are taken from the same static scene, the invariant quantity is the common clear image. Since the two input images have different motion blur defects, their frequency responses are complementary to each other. A feedback algorithm is proposed that effectively combines two independently blurred images. This approach introduces an image prior and a motion prior in the context of multiple observations. Consequently, the visual quality of enhancement is greatly improved compared to approaches using single images. The second part of this thesis will focus on denoising. Removing noise from images is a topic which has been studied for decades. However, there are limitations inherent in most previous automatic approaches, which usually take the image itself as the processing target. We show that even with a single input image, an auxiliary observation, namely the noise layer can be constructed. Using an extracted noise layer, the artifacts of automatic denoising algorithms can be easily visualized and optimization can be performed on both image layer and noise layer. We propose an interactive system based on this representation, which allows a user to achieve high quality image noise separation results. The image denoising system will be extended to video to denoise multiple frames which already exist as observations. The key issue this thesis is how to set up connections between these observations. Classical method of finding inter-frame correspondences is optical flow estimation which gives pixel-wise motion field. An extended motion field, which is called probabilistic motion field will be introduced to characterize soft temporal correspondences. The corresponding pixels will be placed inside a spatio-temporal Markov Random Field where the denoised frames are optimized using multiple observations. Date: Tuesday, 25 August 2009 Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm Venue: Room 3501 Lifts 25-26 Chairman: Prof. King-Lun Yeung (CBME) Committee Members: Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Supervisor) Prof. Long Quan Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai Prof. Weichuan Yu (ECE) Prof. Pheng-Ann Heng (Comp. Sci. & Engg., CUHK) **** ALL are Welcome ****