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The Roles of Semantic Role Labeling in Statistical Machine Translation
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "The Roles of Semantic Role Labeling in Statistical Machine Translation" by Miss Chi-Kiu Lo Abstract: In this survey, we review semantic role labeling (SRL) and statistical machine translation (SMT) literature with the recent rise of work in adapting SRL to improve SMT. For years, heavy effort has been put in designing and evaluating SMT models. Translation quality achieved by SMT systems has proven to be improving continuously as measured by lexical and n-gram precision based metrics. However, today's SMT systems still often make many glaring errors caused by confusion of semantic roles. Semantic role confusions often result in serious misunderstandings of the essential meaning of the source input sentences. SRL, the task of identifying basic event structures (i.e. who did what to whom, when, where, why and how) of the source input sentence to capture the essential meanings in it and preserve them in the translation output is one of the major challenges faced by SMT. With the increasing availability of semantically annotated corpora (e.g. Propbank, FrameNet), there was a proliferation of automatic SRL systems with promising performance in the last seven years. However, not until recently has there been a rise of work incorporating SRL in SMT to improve translation accuracy. In this survey, we will present how typical SMT models fail to address translation accuracy, and show that recent studies have illuminated the possible research directions of using SRL for MT evaluation and semantic SMT. Finally, we will discuss the main challenges in using SRL for semantic SMT. Date: Thursday, 12 August 2010 Time: 2:30pm - 4:30pm Venue: Room 4472 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Dekai Wu (Supervisor) Dr. Raymond Wong (Chairperson) Dr. Pascale Fung (ECE) Prof. Bertram Shi (ECE) **** ALL are Welcome ****