Image-based Bidirectional Scene Reprojection: A General Purpose Optimization Technique for Real-time Rendering Applications

MPhil Thesis Defence

Title: "Image-based Bidirectional Scene Reprojection: A General Purpose Optimization 
Technique for Real-time Rendering Applications"


Mr. Yu-Chiu Tse


We introduce a general purpose method for increasing the framerate of real-time 
rendering applications. Whereas many existing temporal upsampling strategies 
only reuse information from previous frames, our bidirectional technique 
reconstructs intermediate frames from a pair of consecutive rendered frames. 
This significantly improves the accuracy of interpolated frames since very few 
pixels are mutually occluded in both frames, but does introduce a small amount 
of lag in the resulting image sequence (typically 1-2 frames). We present two 
versions of this basic algorithm. The first is appropriate for fill-bound 
scenes as it limits the number of expensive shading calculations, but requires 
processing the scene geometry at each intermediate frame. The second version 
lowers both shading and geometry computations by warping the pair of rendered 
images according to the scene depth and an estimate of the scene flow obtained 
through a simple iterative search. We demonstrate that our method offers 
substantial performance improvements (3-4x) for a variety of applications, 
including vertex-bound and fill-bound scenes, multi-pass effects, and motion 

Date:			Thursday, 12 August 2010

Time:			3:00pm – 5:00pm

Venue:			Room 3304
 			Lifts 17/18

Committee Members:	Dr. Pedro Sander (Supervisor)
 			Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Long Quan

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