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Denoising For Surface Reconstruction
MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "Denoising For Surface Reconstruction" By Mr. Man-Kit Lau Abstract We present an algorithm to denoise an unorganized point cloud which contains noise, white noise and outliers for surface reconstruction with the assumption that the points close to the real surface are uniformly distributed. Our algorithm first remove the outliers, white noise and high noise points base on the point cloud behavior and simple statistical analysis. After that, our algorithm denoise the remaining points by a modified Laplacian Smoothing algorithm while our algorithm works for unorganized point cloud. Finally, we apply Robust Cocone algorithm to reconstruct the surface from the denoised point cloud followed by some postprocessing on the reconstructed surface for constructing the boundaries and further smoothing. Our algorithm applies a variant of the standard octree structure to manipulate the points and this makes our algorithm more efficient. The experimental results show that our algorithm can generate smooth surface even though the noise level are very large and the running time is fast. The data sets that we have experimented includes some raw data with contaminated by artificial noise, white noise and cluster of outliers. For the comparisons, the reconstructed surface of our algorithm is compared with the reconstructed surface of applying Robust Cocone algorithm on the point cloud without denoising in order to show the effectiveness of our algorithm. We also compare our algorithm with the Adaptive Moving Least-Squares (AMLS) algorithm in terms of running time and quality. The comparison results shows that our algorithm can improve the surface reconstructed from Robust Cocone algorithm, and is comparable with the AMLS algorithm while our algorithm runs much faster than AMLS algorithm. Date: Friday, 24 August 2012 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Venue: Room 5506 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng (Supervisor) Dr. Ke Yi (Chairperson) Dr. Chiew-Lan Tai **** ALL are Welcome ****