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A survey on image morphing
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A survey on image morphing" by Miss Jing LIAO Abstract: Image morphing is a powerful tool for visual effects that consists of the fluid transformation of one digital image into another. It has been long and widely used in creating special effects for movie, television commercials, and music videos. Most Image morphing algorithms share the following components: feature specification, warp generation and color interpolation. It firstly requires user to specify feature correspondences with pairs of feature primitives, e.g. mesh nodes, lines, curves or points. And then two input images are warped to intermediate states according to feature correspondences. Lastly ordinary color interpolation is simply applied to warped images, generating each in-between frame. The ease of use of image morphing depends on feature specification, so we categorize existing image morphing algorithms into four categories according to user specified features: mesh-based, line-based, point-based and image content based. And representative algorithms, advantages and drawbacks of each category are described in this survey. Date: Monday, 17 June 2013 Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm Venue: Room 3501 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Pedro Sander (Supervisor) Prof. Long Quan (Chairperson) Dr. Huamin Qu Dr. Chiew-Lan Ti **** ALL are Welcome ****