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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "CONTJUNCTION: INDOOR LOCALIZATION BASED ON JUNCTION OF SIGNAL CONTOURS" By Mr. Weipeng ZHUO Abstract Due to its ease of deployment, WiFi-based fingerprinting has emerged as a promising technique for indoor localization. Traditional fingerprinting algorithms suffers that due to signal noise, disperse reference points may be picked for location estimation, resulting in large location error. In this paper, we propose a localization scheme termed "Contjunction", which avoids the problem by leveraging WiFi signal contour intersections. We try to identify a reference region where the most of signal contours representing the target RSSI intersect. After the region is found, target's position is estimated based on k-nearest-neighbor approach. A generic distance metric is proposed to measure the distance between reference point and target in the signal space. Closed-form examples are given for Uniform, Normal and Log-normal distributions. Simulation results show that our scheme outperforms others from recent literature by more than 30%. Experimental results from the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and HKUST campus show that our proposed scheme achieves at least 30% improvement. In addition, an APP is built on Android platform with our algorithm implemented, which we have used for several demos in the airport. Date: Monday, 12 August 2013 Time: 4:00pm – 6:00pm Venue: Room 5508 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Gary Chan (Supervisor) Prof. James Kwok (Chairperson) Dr. Pan Hui **** ALL are Welcome ****