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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "APPROXIMATE VORONOI CELLS OVER DATA STREAMS" By Mr. Yiu Wai CHAN Abstract Given a positive real parameter ε, we consider the problem of maintaining an ε-approximate Voronoi cell of a fixed point p with respect to a stream S of points in d dimensions. More precisely, we show how to maintain a subset of S, such that the convex polytope induced by the intersection of bisector halfspaces between p and points in this subset is an ε-approximate Voronoi cell. Our algorithm uses O (1/ε(d-1)/2 log (1/ε)) storage and O (1/ε(d-1)/2) time per insertion. This significantly improves existing results under the data stream model. Our result is optimal in space up to a logarithmic factor and matches the best known result in the traditional static model. Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2013 Time: 3:30pm - 5:30pm Venue: Room 3501 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Sunil Arya (Supervisor) Prof. Siu-Wing Cheng (Chairperson) Prof. Mordecai Golin **** ALL are Welcome ****
Last updated on 2013-07-29
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