The Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications of Non-negative Matrix Factorization

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "The Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications of Non-negative Matrix 


Miss Qing LIAO


Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) has been shown as a powerful data 
representation tool for many practical applications. NMF decomposes a given 
non-negative data matrix into the product of two lower-rank non-negative factor 
matrices, which represent bases and coefficients, respectively, in data 
representation. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, NMF have been extended 
to deal with various practical applications. In this survey, we first introduce 
both background knowledge and properties of NMF. Then we present some typical 
algorithms and applications of NMF. At last, we present our existing research 
works and considerations on NMF, and figure out its potential improvements in 
future studies.

Date:			Friday, 24 July 2015

Time:                  	4:00pm - 6:00pm

Venue:                  Room 2132C
                         Lift 19

Committee Members:	Prof. Qian Zhang (Supervisor)
 			Dr. Qiong Luo (Chairperson)
 			Dr. Pan Hui
 			Dr. Raymond Wong

**** ALL are Welcome ****