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A Survey of How Computer Assists Drawing
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A Survey of How Computer Assists Drawing" by Mr. Qingkun SU Abstract: Drawing is a popular art form for expressing the creators' ideas and conceptions, however it is hard to master. With the increasing popularity of touch devices and the rapid development of human-computer interaction techniques, drawing assistant tools are becoming more necessary, especially for novice users. In this survey, we review three categories of drawing assistant tools: suggestive tools, beautification tools and synthesis tools. Suggestive tools provide drawing guidance or suggestions to help users learn skills (learning tools) or quickly create plausible drawings (supporting tools). The suggestions may be prepared manually or generated automatically from images or drawings. Beautification tools take users’ freehand sketches as input and correct or beautify them through satisfying geometric constraints (low-level constraints) or referring to images/templates (high level constraints). Synthesis tools focus on achieving more complex effects or styles when the input information is poor. It mainly includes two branches: simulation synthesis, which finds a rendering model to simulate the effects, and data-driven synthesis, which extracts the style or effect information from a dataset and transfer it to the users’ input. We conclude by discussing two interesting research directions for future work. Date: Friday, 25 August 2017 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 2610 Lifts 31/32 Committee Members: Prof. Chiew-Lan Tai (Supervisor) Prof. Huamin Qu (Chairperson) Dr. Xiaojuan Ma Prof. Long Quan **** ALL are Welcome ****