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Experimental Studies on Fog Live Streaming
MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "Experimental Studies on Fog Live Streaming" By Mr. Sathish RAGHURAMAN Abstract Recent years have witnessed a phenomenal uptick in traditional and user-generated forms of video live streaming. To be able to efficiently serve large numbers of simultaneous viewers, operators of Content Distribution Networks will have to significantly scale up their network resources. Such augmentation of CDNs is prohibitively expensive and unsustainable. To address this problem, we have designed, developed and evaluated FogStream, a scalable, live streaming system that runs on fog devices such as routers. Every device running FogStream would serve as a newly added edge server and contribute its spare computational and bandwidth resources to offload some of the demand on the CDN. FogStream can run on different types of commodity routers and is easily integrated with conventional CDNs. Key advantages of FogStream include scalability, flexibility, fault tolerance and ease of deployment. Experimental studies have shown that it can deliver low latency live streams at high continuity even in the face of network dynamics. Date: Friday, 25 August 2017 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 2611 Lifts 31/32 Committee Members: Prof. Gary Chan (Supervisor) Prof. Andrew Horner (Chairperson) Prof. Cunsheng Ding **** ALL are Welcome ****