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Natural Language Processing: A Neural Network View
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Natural Language Processing: A Neural Network View" by Mr. Yuchen YAN Abstract: We survey modern neural network models in Natural Language Processing (NLP), which has made drastic breakthroughs in the field. Neural network can model language better than statistical N-gram models, due to the special structure of recurrent neural network (RNN). The RNN-based architecture can further be extended to handle machine translation. In fact, this is the main building block of Google Translation and Microsoft Translation. From their models, we illustrate that the alignment problem is the bottleneck. Luckily, such problem may be solved by our next model: TRAAM. Neural network can model grammar as good as our hand-crafted grammar rules. The model can also be extend to model bi-lingual grammar. Since there are no hand-crafted bi-lingual grammar rules, the representational power of neural network becomes valuable. In this survey we show that TRAAM, bi-lingual grammar augmented with neural network, can be considered as a good candidate for the alignment solution. The ultimate goal of natural language processing to understand natural language. Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is a structural representation of semantics. In this survey we study the current best neural network parser: SENNA, and compare it against the commonly used parser, ASSERT (which is a statistical one). We show the limitation of SENNA, and how it can be improved by applying RNN. On the other hand, SRL is a hand-crafted structure, although it is carefully designed, we can still go beyond it. A recent neural network architecture, generative adversarial network (GAN), is capable of generating sentences from random noise. In this survey we analyze its potential in semantics representation. We show the strengths and reveal the limitations of neural networks by studying their applications in machine translation, and analyzing their performances in semantics representation. Interestingly, in both machine translation and semantics representation, generative networks, TRAAM and GAN, are showing stronger potential than discriminative networks. Generative networks learn patterns from unlabeled data; in contrast, discriminative networks have to be provided correct solutions, like syntactic tree, or SRL parse. With generative networks, there are still plenty of open questions waiting to be solved, plenty of opportunities lying to be seized. Date: Wednesday, 16 August 2017 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 2612A Lifts 31/32 Committee Members: Prof. Dekai Wu (Supervisor) Prof. Fangzhen Lin (Chairperson) Prof. Andrew Horner Prof. Nevin Zhang **** ALL are Welcome ****