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Video Replication and Access over Fog-based Architecture
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Video Replication and Access over Fog-based Architecture" by Mr. Zhangyu CHANG Abstract: Efficient video content replication and distribution is essential for video service providers to support a huge and increasing demand of users and ensure the quality of experience (QoE) with reduced operation cost. As the nowadays ubiquitous and close-to-user fog devices (WiFi routers, set-top boxes, small cell base stations, etc.) have better computation, bandwidth and storage capacities, fog devices can collaboratively serve the local users and provide a new paradigm for video distribution. However, coordinately managing millions of geo-distributed fog devices required new schemes that are different from both the traditional content delivery network (CDN) or the peer-to-peer (P2P) schemes. This survey overviews the recent advancement in fog computing to support video service. We discuss the recent work on the video popularity characteristics, the replication strategies and the access schemes for fog-based video service platform. We first overview the video popularity characteristics and discuss the fundamental challenges to design an effective fog-based video distribution architecture. We then examine the recent advances on two major areas: video replication and access. Regarding the replication problem, we present both uncoordinated and coordinated replication schemes for a large pool of geo-distributed fog devices. Regarding the video access problem, we discuss how the users can reach their desirable video contents for both wired and wireless networks. We then study 2 real implemented cases (Thunder Crystal and Youku Smart-router) of existing large-scale fog-based content distribution platform and discuss several future directions. Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2018 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 4504 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Gary Chan (Supervisor) Prof. Qian Zhang (Chairperson) Dr. Brahim Bensaou Dr. Wei Wang **** ALL are Welcome ****