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Static Approaches in Detecting Error-handling Bugs
PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "Static Approaches in Detecting Error-handling Bugs" by Mr. Wensheng TANG Abstract: The error handling mechanism in programming languages helps exit the programs or recover the program from an error. However, it fails to provide any guarantees on the correctness of error handling. In consequence, many program vulnerabilities are imputed to inappropriate error-handling. To ensure the correctness of an error-handling, however, is a non-trivial task. Due to the invisibility of error-handling effects, dynamic methods such as software testing are ineffective in detecting potential flaws. The nondeterminism of program execution enlarges the gap for dynamic methods to explore the unexpected errors. Recent static approaches have shown their potential in detecting error-handling bugs at an acceptable cost. In this survey, we revisit the techniques to detect error-handling bugs in the literature, with a focus on static analysis approaches. The survey begins with an introduction to the design of two error-handling mechanisms, the exception model, and the error code idiom. For each error-handling mechanisms, we discuss the potential issues brought by such designs. Then, we separately introduce approaches to detect error-handling bugs in these two mechanisms. The last chapter summarizes the similarities and differences in detecting error handling issues in these two error-handling mechanisms. We also identify the current research gaps in these approaches and future directions. Date: Friday, 30 August 2019 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Dr. Charles Zhang (Supervisor) Dr. Qiong Luo (Chairperson) Dr. Shuai Wang Dr. Wei Wang **** ALL are Welcome ****