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Data-driven Sketch Analysis
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Data-driven Sketch Analysis" By Mr. Lei LI Abstract Freehand sketching is an artistic expression frequently adopted in human-human and human-computer communications. However, interpreting the sketching semantics remains an algorithmic challenge. Humans commonly introduce various levels of abstraction and distortion into their creations, which cannot be straightforwardly captured by hand-crafted features or rules. The recent availability of large-scale sketch datasets and 3D geometry datasets opens up new opportunities to analyze sketches in a data-driven manner. In this thesis, we draw on these two types of data and present a line of data-driven techniques for semantic sketch analysis, including recognition with vector inputs, segmentation with 3D geometry labeling transfer, and reconstruction with 3D geometry templates. To process the 3D geometries extensively used in the sketch interpretation, we also propose a robust local multi-view descriptor. First, as a global analysis of sketches, we develop an end-to-end network architecture named Sketch-R2CNN for sketched object recognition. Existing studies commonly cast the problem as an image recognition task by rasterizing input sketches to pixel images. Instead, we propose to extract descriptive features from the vector sketch representation with recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We design a differentiable line rasterization module that renders the vector sketches and the RNN features to point feature maps. Subsequent convolutional neural networks (CNNs) readily take the informative point feature maps as input for object category prediction. Second, as a step towards finer-level analysis, we introduce an efficient segmentation method to identify semantic parts in sketched objects. Due to the lack of sketch datasets with segmentation labelings, we resort to segmented 3D geometry datasets for synthesizing line drawings. Our method, combining CNNs and multi-label graph cuts, can effectively transfer segmentation labelings from 3D geometries to freehand sketches. Third, with the above global and part-level analysis, we explore a template-based method for sketch reconstruction. We retrieve 3D geometries with part structures similar to input sketches. Then the 3D geometries serve as proxies for lifting 2D sketches to 3D, which is formulated as a quadratic energy optimization problem. Lastly, we propose a robust learning-based 3D local descriptor, assisting the processing (e.g., orientation alignment) of 3D geometries collected online for the sketch analysis. We represent 3D local geometry as multi-view images through a differentiable renderer in neural networks. The viewpoints used in rendering are optimizable instead of being fixed with hand-crafted rules. We also design an effective soft-view pooling module for integrating the visual features extracted from each view to a single compact descriptor. Date: Wednesday, 17 June 2020 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Zoom Meeting: Chairman: Prof. Xiangtong QI (IEDA) Committee Members: Prof. Chiew Lan TAI (Supervisor) Prof. Qifeng CHEN Prof. Pedro SANDER Prof. Ajay JONEJA (ISD) Prof. Pheng Ann HENG (CUHK) **** ALL are Welcome ****