New Constructions for Multi-User Symmetric Searchable Encryption with Corrupted Parties

MPhil Thesis Defence

Title: "New Constructions for Multi-User Symmetric Searchable Encryption with 
Corrupted Parties"


Miss Yun WANG


The continued development of cloud computing requires technologies to prevent 
user privacy from being compromised by cloud service providers (CSP). 
Searchable encryption is this kind of technology allowing users to perform 
search queries over data on a remote server, in the meanwhile protecting the 
privacy of data and search queries. Multi-user searchable encryption is a 
general variant of SE which still needs to be studied in depth. For example, 
there are not many schemes that ultimately achieve secure against collusion of 
users and server. In this thesis, we follow the definition where some users may 
collude with the server and provide its corresponding security definition. We 
use PRF and Oblivious Map to build three schemes with different user storage 
and security trade-offs. Our corpus is static, but our systems retain the 
functionality of document sharing/unsharing, we also studied the forward 
privacy issues brought about by this dynamic operation. We implemented the 
three schemes, evaluated their performance on sharing operation and searching 
operation and compared them with existing MUSE schemes with a similar setting. 
The experimental results showed that all three schemes are quite efficient 
(less than 0.1s for 10^5 result size).

Date:			Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Time:			3:00pm - 5:00pm

Zoom meeting:

Committee Members:	Dr. Dimitrios Papadopoulos (Supervisor)
  			Prof. Cunsheng Ding (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Ke Yi

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