A Survey on Image and Video Enhancement under Low-light Conditions

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "A Survey on Image and Video Enhancement under Low-light Conditions"


Mr. Yazhou XING


Taking satisfactory photos and videos under extreme low-light conditions is 
challenging due to low photon count and low SNR. On one hand, setting the 
camera to long exposure time easily brings blur problem. On the other hand, 
images and videos taken by large ISO suffer from severe noise. The goal of 
image and video enhancement under low-light conditions is to obtain 
well-exposed images and videos which are free from noise and blur problems.

In this survey, we study existing learning-based methods to image and video 
enhancement tasks from denoising, deblurring and high dynamic range (HDR) 
reconstruction perspectives. We first formulate the low-light image enhancement 
problems and analyze their challenges. Then we lead an extensive study to the 
development of the field through presenting the representative works for image 
denoising, image deblurring and HDR reconstruction, respectively. We also talk 
about video enhancement counterpart at each section for a complete study. 
Moreover, we conduct comprehensive analysis in terms of their advantages and 
limitations. Finally, we propose several promising directions for future 
research and conclude this survey.

Date:			Tuesday, 4 August 2020

Time:                  	2:00pm - 4:00pm

Zoom Meeting:		https://hkust.zoom.us/j/98421234037

Committee Members:	Dr. Qifeng Chen (Supervisor)
  			Prof. Chi-Keung Tang (Chairperson)
 			Prof. Pedro Sander
 			Dr. Sai-Kit Yeung

**** ALL are Welcome ****