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MPhil Thesis Defence Title: "ACQUIRING AND MODELLING ABSTRACT COMMONSENSE KNOWLEDGE VIA CONCEPTUALIZATION" By Miss Mutian HE Abstract Conceptualization, or viewing things and events as instances of abstract concepts in mind, and making inferences based on that, is a vital component in human intelligence for commonsense reasoning. Although recent artificial intelligence has made progress in acquiring and modelling commonsense thanks to the large neural language models and commonsense knowledge graphs (CKGs), conceptualization is yet to be introduced, making them ineffective to cover knowledge about countless diverse entities in the real world. To address the problem, we thoroughly study the possible role of conceptualization in commonsense reasoning, and formulate a framework to replicate human conceptual induction from acquiring abstract knowledge about abstract concepts. Aided by Probase, We develop tools for contextualized concept identification, linking, and abstraction on ATOMIC, a large-scale human annotated CKG. We annotate a dataset for the validity of abstractions for ATOMIC on both event and triple level, and train a set of neural models to generate and discriminate abstract knowledge. xi Based on these components, a pipeline to acquire abstract knowledge is built. A large abstract CKG upon ATOMIC is then induced, ready to be instantiated for inferences over unseen entities. Furthermore, experiments show that injecting abstract triples is helpful in commonsense modelling. Date: Thursday, 2 June 2022 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Zoom Meeting: Committee Members: Dr. Yangqiu Song (Supervisor) Prof. Xiaofang Zhou (Chairperson) Dr. Xiaojuan Ma **** ALL are Welcome ****