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PhD Thesis Proposal Defence Title: "TOWARDS ENHANCING RELIABILITY AND PERFORMANCE OF DATA-CENTRIC SYSTEMS WITH STATIC ANALYSIS" by Mr. Chengpeng WANG Abstract: In the era of big data, data-centric systems have become the backbone of our computing infrastructure. These systems offer a wide range of services in our daily lives by processing various forms of data. The prevalence of data-centric systems highlights the importance of improving their reliability and performance. Unreliable or inefficient data-centric systems can lead to unanticipated economic losses or consume unnecessary computation resources, which threatens property safety and service experience. Static analysis is a technique that analyzes program behaviors without executing programs. Over several decades, the community has achieved great success in different domains, such as program optimization, bug detection, and program synthesis. However, little attention has been paid to data-centric systems, leaving their reliability and performance issues insufficiently addressed. This thesis presents our efforts in enhancing the reliability and performance of datacentric systems using static analysis. Our approach addresses data-centric system analysis from two perspectives, namely the application and data sides, for detecting bugs and optimizing programs in a systematic manner. Our first focus is on ubiquitous data structures, called containers, from the application side of data-centric systems. As erroneous value flows can be propagated through containers, a static analyzer must precisely reason about container memory layout, which can cause significant overhead in analyzing large-scale systems. To address this, we introduce ANCHOR, which uses memory orientation analysis to apply strong updates upon container memory layouts and conducts a demand-driven reachability analysis in the valueflow graph. ANCHORcan support various value-flow analysis clients, such as program slicing and value-flow bug detection, achieving both high precision and efficiency. Our second work improves the system performance from the application side by optimizing container usage. We present CRES, a container replacement synthesizer that detects and replaces inefficient container usage. It statically identifies container usage and selects a method with lower time complexity for each container method call. CRES can preserve program behavior and effectively reduce execution time for general inputs. Our third work targets domain-specific programs, called data constraints, from the data side of the systems. These programs are executed over database tables to monitor data consistency, but equivalent data constraints widely exist, leading to the waste of computation resources. To address this issue, we present EQDAC, an efficient decision procedure that refutes and proves the equivalence of data constraints in polynomial time using two lightweight analyses. EQDAC supports equivalence searching and clustering efficiently, resolving redundant data constraints and improving system performance. Date: Tuesday, 22 August 2023 Time: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Venue: Room 3494 lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. Charles Zhang (Supervisor) Dr. Shuai Wang (Chairperson) Dr. Lionel Parreaux Dr. Jiasi Shen **** ALL are Welcome ****