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PhD Qualifying Examination Title: "A SURVEY ON META-LEARNING" by Mr. Weisen JIANG Abstract: Humans can extract knowledge and experience from historical tasks to accelerate learning new tasks from few examples. However, deep networks are data-hungry, and a large number of labeled samples are required for training. In order to reduce the labor-intensive and time-consuming data labeling process, meta-learning (or learning-to-learn) aims at extracting meta-knowledge from seen tasks to accelerate learning on unseen tasks. This survey provides an overview of meta-learning. We review popular meta-learning algorithms, which are categorized into three groups: (i) optimization-based methods include metainitialization and meta-regularization; (ii) metric-based methods developed for few-shot classification; and (iii) memory-based methods using a memory buffer or hypernetworks to store meta-knowledge. We further discuss applications of meta-learning in natural language processing, including prompting and in-context learning. Lastly, we present several directions for future research. Date: Wednesday, 16 August 2023 Time: 10:00am - 12:00noon Venue: Room 3494 Lifts 25/26 Committee Members: Prof. James Kwok (Supervisor) Dr. Brian Mak (Chairperson) Dr. Minhao Cheng Dr. Dan Xu **** ALL are Welcome ****