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Solving Recurrence for Program Verification
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: "Solving Recurrence for Program Verification" By Mr. Chenglin WANG Abstract: Recurrence relations appear frequently in computer science. For example, to analyze the complexity of an algorithm, one may first establish a recurrence relation for the complexity and solve it to obtain the result. Solving recurrences also plays an important role in software analysis and verification. Loop is one of the important constructs in modern programming languages. The behavior of a loop can be naturally characterized by a set of recurrences. Therefore, powerful recurrence solving techniques have a great impact on the loop analysis. Existing algebra systems (e.g., Mathematica, SymPy) are only capable of solving non-conditional recurrences, while conditional ones arise due to nested branches in loops. In this thesis, to make recurrence analysis more powerful in program verification, we propose a method for solving conditional linear recurrences and a method for finding interesting expressions that satisfy some solvable recurrences. First, we take a step towards solving conditional recurrences, which arise when a loop body contains nested conditional branches. Specifically, we consider what we call conditional linear recurrences and show that given such a recurrence and an initial value, if the index sequence generated by the recurrence on the initial value is ultimately periodic, then it has a closed-form solution. However, checking whether such a sequence is ultimately periodic is undecidable, so we propose a heuristic "generate and verify" algorithm for checking the ultimate periodicity of the sequence and computing closed-form solutions at the same time. Based on this result, algorithm for solving conditional linear recurrence with unknown initial values is proposed. Second, recurrences for program variables may not exist or have no closed-form solutions if loop body contains nondeterministic branches or complex operations (e.g., polynomial assignments). In such cases, an alternative is to generate recurrences for expressions, and there have been recent works along this line. we further work in this direction and propose a template-based method for extracting polynomial expressions that satisfy some c-finite recurrences. We show that computationally, this amounts to solving a system of quadratic equations. While in general there are possibly infinite number of polynomials satisfying some c-finite recurrences for a given loop, we show that the desired polynomials form a finite union of vector spaces. An algorithm is proposed for computing the bases of the vector spaces and identify two cases where the bases can be computed efficiently. Finally, we implemented a prototype tool based on these two works, and our experiments show that a straightforward program verifier based on our solver together with the SMT solver Z3 is effective in verifying properties of many benchmark programs that contain conditional statements and polynomial assignments in their loops and compares favorably to other verification tools. Date: Friday, 7 June 2024 Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Venue: Room 5501 Lifts 25/26 Chairman: Dr. Ki Ling CHEUNG (ISOM) Committee Members: Prof. Fangzhen LIN (Supervisor) Prof. Shing-Chi CHEUNG Dr. Amir GOHARSHADY Dr. Hongce ZHANG (ECE) Prof. Zhiming LIU (SWU)